Cell phones detrimental to human health?

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It's an issue the wireless industry wishes would go away.The public concern about the potential dangers of cell phone use is only growing, however. One research after another seems to be coming out with new studies linking mobile phone radiation with adverse health effects.The cell phone industry doesn't want to hear this, obviously, and gives a reflexive response to these studies by questioning them and calling for more studies.

A recent study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health has found that a child exposed to mobile phone radiation in the womb and after birth has a higher risk of behavioral problems by the time the child reaches the age of seven. Over 28,000 seven-year-olds and their mothers participated in the Danish study and the findings were significant. Children exposed to cell phones in the womb and after birth were 50 percent more likely to have behavioral problems. Those exposed while in the womb, but not after birth, were 40 percent more likely to have behavioral problems. Lastly, those who weren't exposed before birth but started using the cell phone by age seven were 20 percent more likely to display problems in behavior.

The developing tissues of their bodies and brains and their thinner skulls make children more prone to being seriously affected. A two-minute call, for instance, can alter a child's brain electrical activity for up to an hour afterwards. Countries like India, France, Russia and others have imposed bans or recommended limits to mobile phone use by teens and children under the age of 18. Swedish scientist Leif Salford in one of his earlier studies report that teens who frequently use the mobile phone may experience an earlier onset of Alzheimer's disease.

Swedish research led by Prof. Leif Salford found that microwave radiation from mobile phones damages brain cells, possibly leading to early development of Alzheimer's disease. The study, performed on rats, found that the radiofrequency radiation damaged areas of the brain associated with learning, memory and movement. There is yet to have any conclusive evidence that cell phones damage the human brain cells, but the research suggests there was good reason to believe that they could have the same effect on humans.

American epidemiologist Devra Davis recently came out with a book on cell phone radiation and health entitled Disconnect. Dr. Davis is the lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the group awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 with Al Gore. In a talk given in Ontario, she called on all parties to support a private member’s bill that would warn Ontarians of potential danger of microwave radiation. She even pointed out that the fine print in mobile phone manufacturers’ warnings in user manuals that say to keep the phone up to an inch away from the body. Dr. Davis emphasized that she is not against using cell phones, but she just wants people to use them more responsibly and intelligently.

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