Carbon emissions can be reduced by mobile technology says Telecom Giant Vodafone

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According to communications group Vodafone, mobile technology could cut Europe’s annual energy bill by at least €43 billion and reduce the region’s greenhouse gas emissions by 2.4% by 2020.

The report, Carbon Connections: quantifying mobile’s role in tackling climate change, drafted in collaboration with Accenture, identifies 13 areas where mobile technology could help reduce emissions and costs.

The opportunities fall into two main categories – smart ‘machine-to-machine’ (M2M) services, in which equipment connects wirelessly together, and ‘dematerialisation’ – where physical goods, processes or travel are replaced with virtual alternatives.

Every business, large or small, will need to deliver its products and services in a way that minimises both cost and the impact on the environment,” says Vodafone CEO Vittorio Colao.

M2M services encompass measures such as smart grids and metering to manage energy use better. It can also enable smart manufacturing to allow remote monitoring of equipment performance to ensure optimal operation and reduce routine maintenance.

Mobile technology can be used to improve the efficiency of logistics and improve the flow of traffic to reduce congestion and vehicle emissions.

Meanwhile, mobile technology can minimise the need to travel at all via remote working and video conferencing.

“This report demonstrates the important role that mobile technology, in particular smart solutions such as M2M services, can play in carbon abatement while at the same time offering a financial saving for our customers,” says Colao.

Article Reference: Energy Efficiency News

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