Canvas art and canvas prints and paintings

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How having your artwork printed on canvas can be a very valuable thing not only to your lifestyle but potentially your job to. So basically you’re an artists and all you want is people to recognise your work and to be loved by the whole world, basically everyone. Ok so that would be any artists dream, the only mean thing I would say to stick to its commitment and you might hear me say that allot on this article but its true and I’ll tell you why.

You enjoy painting and you love to show off your work and rep in all the brilliant vibes that people give of when they view your work but you just wished there was more hours in the day were you could paint more and more of different pictures, and let’s face it one a day is a brilliant achievement if your painting is worked around allot of detail. So my answerer to the problem would be to have lots of canvas prints printed of your painting then when you have a client that wants to purchase a painting you could offer them a print of the original at a lower cost and this not only save you the time of painting another original but it will also give you the time to paint other pictures and add them to your collection of optional prints you could offer to your client, thus you would be creating a catalogue of pictures and while the printing company does all the work you can benefit from not only the profit from the prints but the time to carry on and create other masterpieces and saying that you will be expanding your name and your customer base and word of your fabulous paintings will grow but if your wanting to have lots of paintings and you want to be selling them as canvas prints to them it takes time and allot of commitment to get started, but if you really want it then it worth the wait and time it takes for the snowball of clientele to grow bigger.

So it actually is possible to be a famous painter but to do it you need commitment and you have to have a vision of what you want from life and what is has to offer because you don’t know and don’t have a clear idea the how would you expect your customers to have that same vision from your work, if you do have some canvas printing from your artwork or even if it’s from photos of your artwork, maybe you’re a photographer and you want the same path its always recommend to get a sample first then try to use your imagination as to what you can achieve from the quality of the printing and the finish of the canvas print and from this you will be able to determine where you can go with it, it’s always good to get the feedback too, start small with friends and family then try a few fairs, don’t worry if you don’t get that much interest for sales to start with as long as people like what they see then that is a good sign then all you need is more people to be looking at your work and then will be more chance of the sale, but don’t forget that some people do like original paintings to so try to sway them more to that way as it would be better for your name and also better for your pocket to. Remember stick to your plan and give it time to unfold as these thing don’t happen overnight and i would definitely recommend the canvas printing idea to give yourself not only a good idea as to people liking your artwork but also to give you some leeway to create other brilliant and amazing pictures which can also end up being best sellers. Good luck and god speed.

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