Butt Lift Surgery

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Around the country, and even across the world, people are growing increasingly obsessed with the rear ends. The number of buttock surgeries has sky rocketed these past five years, with the procedure becoming recently notorious with the death of Argentine supermodel Solange Mognano when she died of buttock surgery complications on December 6, 2009. Still, the number of people interested in such procedures continues to grow, so it's incumbent upon us to ask: what exactly is butt lift surgery? What is done, how, and how safe is it?

A buttock lift comes in various forms. All of them are purely cosmetic plastic surgery, in that they are not needed for functional correction, but rather are done for aesthetic improvement. They all concern themselves to some degree with improving the tautness and tone of the skin, the shape and fullness of the buttock muscle, and the overall shape of the buttocks in relation to the rest of the body.

The first and simplest procedure is a butt lift, in which the surgeon cuts skin away, and closes the gap by pulling the skin together over it, resulting in a raising and tightening of the buttocks due to the action of the tighter skin upon the muscle and fat. This procedure can be augmented by judicious use of liposuction, where fat is removed from the buttocks, waist and upper thighs, such that the shape of the buttocks is enhanced.

The next level up is the actual use of buttock implants. This process is much more involved, requiring the use of general anesthesia, several incisions, and about four weeks recovery time. The surgery can be the of the famous "Brazil Butt Lift" kind, where fat is removed from other parts of the body and then inserted via canulla into the butt, so that the buttocks are padded with the patient's own fat. The risk of this procedure is that the fat is often quickly re-absorbed by the body, resulting in a diminishing of the results over the course of the next four months. The other method is to actually implant pads, so that the shape of the buttock is artificial but permanent.

A final method to hit the market is non-invasive, non-surgical, and has been used by Victoria Secret models to help them define their rears for the runway. This method is known as the ‘Brazil Butt Lift Workout', and was perfected by Leandro Carvalho, the fitness expert and resident booty toning guru at NYC's famous Equinox gym. Targeting the muscle heads that help define a booty's shape and perkiness, Leandro has recently released his innovative and renowned workout on DVD to the general public.

All of these surgical procedures are incredibly expensive, ranging up to $20,000 with ease, and require an extensive recovery period during which pain can be excruciating. Results are never guaranteed, and the danger of the procedures is highlighted by the recent death of the Argentine supermodel. However, despite these dangers and costs, people continue to seek to improve their posteriors through artificial means, so butt lift surgery seems here to stay. One can only hope that people will become increasingly aware of Leandro Carvalho's successful workout program, and attempt to save money and their health through a more natural means of achieving a perfect rear end.

Phil Tucker is a product review specialist for Get Moving Catalog. If you're interested in learning more about the Brazil Butt Lift Beachbody workout, then check out the product information on the Brazilian Butt Lift DVD home page.

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Source: http://www.articleheaven.net/butt-lift-surgery-1350677.html

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