Botox and Dermal Fillers are the most popularly used treatments

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As a medical aesthetician who is involved in cosmetic treatment you would want to broaden your knowledge in the uses of Botulinum Toxin (Botox) and Dermal Fillers. You can also be a medical practitioner who is aspiring to become a skillful cosmetic physician. Good news is that there are training courses which are offered for doctors, dentists and nurses who wish to learn non surgical cosmetic treatment methods.

Out of many non surgical cosmetic treatments Botox and Dermal Fillers are the most popularly used treatments. Both methods are used to reduce wrinkles and rejuvenate your skin, to bring that youthful appearance to your face. Non surgical cosmetic treatments are popular among most of the people. Botox and Dermal Fillers are administered through injections and are only recommended to be administered by a well experience medical aesthetician. Therefore it is recommended that you get a proper training on how to use both the products on patients.

When selecting a cosmetic training academy you should always check whether you are getting the value for your money and also whether it is approved to run training courses for non surgical cosmetic treatments. It is also important to check whether the training academy is authorized to run training programs. Most of the training courses cost between £550- £1000. Listed below are rates that were quoted on one of the training academy web sites:

• Introductory theory and practical training in the cosmetic use of Botulinum Toxin priced at £595
• Introductory theory and practical training in the cosmetic use of Dermal Fillers priced at £595
• Introductory theory and practical training in the cosmetic use of Botulinum Toxin & Dermal Fillers priced at £995
• Advanced techniques in the cosmetic use of Botulinum Toxin priced at £695
• Advanced techniques in the cosmetic use of Dermal Fillers priced at £695

The introductory training courses will provide you with the theoretical and practical training on the use of Botox and Dermal Fillers., whereas advance techniques would provide you the knowledge on the usage of non surgical treatments in conjunction with other products and on other medical uses of them.

Your training academy would provide you with pre-course literature, injection needles and necessary equipments, lunch and refreshments throughout the course. When it comes for the practical part of the course you will have to bring along a model with you since the training academy would not provide you with one. However upon prior notice the academy might provide you with a model to perform the practices.

At the end of each module you would receive a certificate from your cosmetic training academy. Some cosmetic training academies also provide free mentor ship for the first 12 months after you complete the course. There are several cosmetic training institutes that offer these courses. You can do some research and register for a course. Please make sure that they give you an affordable rate for the selected course and you get value for money. Why not enroll for one of the training programs for 2011 now.
Read more about spa in orange county , orange county laser and orange county botox

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