Book Review: Influencer - The Power to Change Anything

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After having this book highly recommended to me a few months ago I finally popped over to Amazon and bought it, just to see what all the fuss was about.

I read a lot of business mindset related books and I recently wrote about the top business books I've ever read.

That was all before I read Influencer so I didn't get the chance to include it in my list of the all time greats. Would I have listed it in my list of all time greats? Here's what I found and here's the answer...

What's Influencer About?

The complete title of this book (Influencer - The Power to Change Anything) is a good summary of what this book is about. It won't empower you to change absolutely anything but it's close. Stuff like the laws of gravity have been around for a long time and aren't likely to change soon.

However, any situation that is driven by human behaviour can be changed and this book will give you an army of resources in which to make those changes happen.

This book describes in detail the influence strategies used by many to achieve great things. The strategies are varied and include personal, social and environmental techniques which can be used together to influence massive change.

Who's Influencer For?

If you have anything in mind which you'd like to change about your life or other peoples lives that is driven by human behaviour then this book is for you.

Whether it's reducing crime, improving health, reducing world poverty, having productive employees, improving teenagers behaviour or rehabilitating drug addicts, with this book you can change them all.

For business owners in particular there's often a lot of bad habits and bad behaviours within your companies which you might know about but up until now have learned to live with.

If you think you've already tried everything then give this book a read. You'll feel like you have a new found strength to take on any negative situation in your business and change it for the better.

What Do I Think Of Influencer?

When I started to read this book I was a little skeptical. After reading only a few chapters I found myself being amazed at what some of the worlds greatest influencers have actually achieved.

This book uses a few good examples of great influencers and their most ambitious projects, which it continues to return to throughout. There's a number of startling statistics which provide evidence as to how the influence strategies it describes can achieve amazing results.

I didn't realise until I read this book that achieving influencer over situations you wish to change is a whole science, but something which anyone can learn to do. Don't expect this to be a quick fix book though. Influencing massive change can be a difficult task and sometimes a number of attempts need to be made, using different combinations of strategies.

Should You Read Influencer?

From the tone of this review so far I guess you already know the answer to this. It's a definite "yes" for business owners and anyone who wants to achieve something in life which involves other people changing their behaviours first.

If you're happy with your life and wouldn't wish to change anything about it then maybe it's not for you. However, I'm a big fan of this book and I believe it's an excellent read for anyone wishing to invoke change.

In answer to my original question "would I include this book in my list of all time greats?" I think "yes". It's one of those books which brings new and exciting ideas to the table, ideas which you can really build on and use in real life to see real results. Those books are few and far between

I hope this review was helpful. One important aspect of being an entrepreneur and achieving a good business mindset is the concept of "lifelong learning". I think this book contributes well to that and spending your valuable time reading it is time well spent.

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