Big Brother on cbs on Dish Network

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It's a little late, but here's my "Big Brother" recap for Tuesday August 25th. And just a reminder, for Dish Network customers in the Boston area, "Big Brother" airs on CBS which is channel 4.So Jeff has nominated Kevin and Natalie, but he has assured them both that they are pawns and that the real target is Russell. Russell is walking around the house paranoid, and rightfully so, because both Jeff and Jordan are acting weird around him, despite their claims that everything is still going according to plan. Jeff is still upset over what Kevin told him (that Russell said he's going after Jeff next.)

Spouting these lies is all part of Kevin and Natalie's master plan to get Jeff to doubt Russell. And then if it works, and if Jeff truly puts up Russell, Natalie and Kevin are both going after Jeff. Ironically enough, despite his earlier attacks on Jeff, Russell seemed 100% intent of sticking to the Final Four plan with Jeff, Jordan, and Michele. I think Jeff has trouble believing him based on his earlier behavior in the house, and this makes it easier for him to buy Kevin and Natalie's lies. Jeff even had a conversation with Kevin and Natalie where they swore to him if he backdoored Russell, then neither one of them would put him up if they won HOH. Cut to the next scene of Kevin and Natalie whispering that if they won HOH, Jeff had to go up.

It almost makes me cringe how easily Jeff was spun into their web.I have to admit, I can see where Jeff's fears about Michele and Russell being a team are founded. They do hang out a lot, but I think it's only natural because Jeff and Jordan are attached at the hip and Natalie and Kevin are the enemies. Plus, Michele is a very subdued person and does not talk a lot of game, and although we the viewers know she is loyal to Jeff, Jordan, and Russell, her behavior comes across as shady. Jeff and Jordan are now leaning towards a Final Four with Kevin and Natalie, which is frustrating due to the fact that neither Kevin nor Natalie has ever really won anything, and have mostly spent the game riding coattails. I hope to God we don't see either one of them in the Final Two, or even worse, both.Time for the POV competition.

The backyard was set up in a jungle motif, with bananas strewn across the lawn. A familiar voice came over the loudspeaker, and it was none other than everyone's favorite six-foot-tall banana Casey. He would give a clue about one of their former housemates, and they would have to retrieve a banana with the correct houseguests name written on it. Not a hard challenge at all, basically, you just had to be a fast banana-seeker. Jordan was out first, followed by Natalie, who after all these weeks boasting that she's such a strong athlete and competitor, is looking to be all talk. Russell bailed next, leaving Kevin, Michele, and Jeff. Kevin also choked, and it was down to the wire with Michele and Jeff searching for the fruit.

Finally, in the end, Jeff reigned supreme, and you could almost see the look of panic spread tightly across Russell's face. Russell told Michele that if Jeff puts him up he's going to lose it. Compared to Chima, he promised, you ain't seen nothing.When the POV ceremony rolled around, Jeff gleefully took Kevin off the block and put Russell up. You can almost hear the flush as Jeff's easy ride to the Final Four is swirled down the drain. He thinks he's making a smart move, but I have a bad feeling that either Kevin or Natalie is going to win HOH next week and put Jeff up. Only then will he see the error he made by putting Russell up, ensuring Russ is going out the door.Until next time, Big Brother fans!

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By: Frank Bilotta

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