Belly Dancing Skirt, Not the Only Option of Belly Dance Costume

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Like yoga, belly dancing has become a famous and fashion way to exercise physical in people’s daily life. Along with the prosperity and popularity of belly dancing, the belly dancing skirt sets off another special business line, which opens a big demand in belly dance costume. Though belly dancing skirt is well-known by thousands of hundreds of people, it’s not the only option of belly dance costume for belly dancers.

You may search for some DIY ways to make a individual belly dance costume, finally, your results will in “depend on your imagination and special style, there is no set of rules or guidelines that prelude how to make belly dancing costumes”. Therefore, here I would like to introduce you some common collocations in belly dance costume.

First of all,
belly dancing skirt with fringe and beads
You can put together your own belly dancing skirt ( ). Choose a skirt that is most appropriate for your dancing. They can be a simple skirt or a more complex tiered number with slits up the sides. The skirt can be embellished with fringe and beads. Some skirts have beautiful embroidery. Some belly dancers use harem pants instead of a skirt. Harem pants can achieve a flowing effect when the dancer is moving and performing her routine.

belly dancing hip scarf plus arm cuffs and headpieces
The hip scarf is a popular accessory among belly dancers. It is added to the skirt and follows the hip motions of the dancer. You can add sequins to your bra and skirt if you want a little flash. Arm cuffs and headpieces are other common accessories. Don't forget to add some jewelry to your costume. The selection of the right jewelry can really set off your costume.

Thirdly, Belly Dancing Props- silk or chiffon veils and feather bra
The use of veils made of silk and chiffon can be added to your dance routine as props. Belly dancers will often make use of a feather bra for an extra dramatic effect. Coins sewn onto your bra will make a nice tinkling sound as you dance and provide a shimmering look under lights.

All in all, because of the arbitrariness and freedom of belly dance costume, you can get some good pieces to change your belly dancing costume every once in a while according to different situations. Experiment with headpieces and jewelry to see how it affects your performance. Don't be afraid to try out a new bra and skirt to see if the movement of the new item will add to or enhance your dance routine. Make sure you check with your venue to be sure you are adhering to their rules for belly dancing wear.

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