Beauty Therapy

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There will always be certain times of year when more is expected of your body: summer holidays and Christmas parties for example require you to be in peak condition. If you're a Kate Moss look-a-like, that's not a problem, but even celebrities have to work hard on their body care routine throughout the year. A little regular ‘maintenance' saves a lot of last minute panic.

Most of us have a daily facial skin care routine but do we apply the same rules to the rest of our body? Merely washing and a quick swoosh of body lotion is not always enough. A thorough skin care programme includes cleansing, exfoliating and moisturising followed by specific beauty products, like toners and foot cream. It sounds a lot but once you're into a routine it only takes a few minutes to apply these treatments.

Done regularly, before showering, body brushing with a natural bristle brush, creates a smooth, soft, healthy looking skin. It can even reduce the look of cellulite and discourage the skin from sagging, caused by the break down of elastin and collagen fibres. But it's not all about appearance. Brushing improves circulation and is believed to help strengthen the immune system by encouraging natural lymphatic drainage, removing toxins and waste. Brushes come in all shapes and sizes, from tiny finger held ones to double handers.

Exfoliating is stage two in your beauty care routine, replacing tired looking skin with a healthy glow. Personal choice should dictate whether you choose an exfoliating scrub, gel, lotion or bar, all being as effective as each other. Using a gentle, circular motion exfoliation buffs and smoothes your skin flattening out bumps and rough edges. Make sure you choose the correct treatment for your type of skin: soothing ingredients like aloe vera are very kind to the skin, while richer creams and oils are better for the more mature skin or dry patches and light lotions are ideal for younger or more oily types.

Generally, a good moisturiser, body lotion or oil will keep your skin in good condition. But to really pamper and indulge your body, there is a huge range of skin treatments for more specific concerns. Firming lotions, stretch mark creams, cellulite lotions and toning body balms will help tighten and firm your skin, reducing imperfections and giving a smoother appearance. However, for a really relaxing treat try an occasional intensive moisturising beauty treatment and massage at a reputable spa.

For those wishing to add a little colour to their life, it makes sense to keep a self tanning product to hand. Regular application of a gradual self-tanning skin care moisturiser will create a natural looking tan over a few days while fake tan will create that sun-kissed look instantly. Smooth skin and a toned body need only be a few, easily used beauty products away. Following a few simple steps will make life a lot smoother all round.

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