Beautiful Women and Freida Pinto

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If only we were all born with the exotic, smoldering good looks of Freida Pinto, the beautiful Latika, in the Academy Award winning movie, Slumdog Millionaire. Ms Pinto, a native Mumbian, dreamed of becoming an actress from an early age. Her desire for fame and success began and there is no doubt she made it happen for herself.

Women of the world look beautiful and then aging kicks in creating lines, wrinkles, sags and even bags. What happens to those youthful faces that catches our attention?

Even though we use the finest products to care for our faces, if you’re over the age of 35, you begin to realize that topical slathering is not enough ammunition as hooded eyes, a slight wattle and cheeks that have lines and folds develop. Aging in our face begins when our facial muscles start to suffer from atrophy and this downward motion drags the skin, creating the look that we see our mothers wearing.

Every person on this earth will see a droopy face develop, yes, this includes the dramatically gorgeous Frieda Pinto, if steps are not taken to stop aging caused by sagging facial muscles.

The most reliable way to stop the tell-tale signs of aging is by using an isometric facial exercise program. Just as exercise works to tone and tighten waistlines, inner thighs and buttocks, facial exercise goes to work to lift and tighten the forehead, the cheeks, the neck, chin and more.

So many men and women begin using injections initially that plump and paralyze when they see signs of an aging face peering at them in their mirror. Injections seem so simple but remember, they are made of toxins and chemicals that may prove to cause harm after a while. The liquid facelifts that are so popular can produce a misshapen face if the procedures are repeated with frequency.

Surgery is another avenue that many aging faces rely on but things can go horribly wrong and surgery should always be the last resort if you want to look younger with an improved face.

The procedures route requires a huge outlay of cash because one purchase is usually going to add to multiple visits to a physician and those multiple visits add up quickly when you’re spending after tax dollars to try to save your face. These modalities can create a slave-like mentality resulting in more and more injections, and quite possibly more and more surgery.

Imagine using something natural, proven and without any pain that works to help your face look 5, 10, even 15 years younger. What could be better? No doctor visits and once you learn how to use exercise, there’s nothing more to buy because you will have the technology forever plus your face will enjoy better circulation due to the increased oxygenation exercise provides.

Exercise develops a younger, more beautiful face reliably without drugs, surgery or injections. Using only your thumbs and fingers as your age erasers, you can easily turn back the clock to look better than you have in years, reclaiming that stunning face you thought you had lost forever.

Beautiful women unite! Look like you only younger!

Cynthia Rowland is widely recognized as an expert in all natural facial fitness. She has appeared on The View, The Today Show, Rachael Ray, The Doctors and other popular shows. Cynthia is co-host of The Ageless Sisters on and author of The Magic of Facial Exercise. This author, speaker and television personality is leading the crusade to keep men and women looking vibrantly younger through natural techniques without spending their children's inheritance. You may learn more about her anti-aging techniques at and she welcomes your subscription to her FREE content rich newsletter at

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