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Skin is the outermost layer of the body. It builds up layer by layer to cover the inner parts. It is delicate and fine with a smooth texture. So, if we do not care our skin, it becomes harsh and rough. Every skin requires moisture in some form. Absence of moisture gives skin a dull and pale look. Good skin care is essential if you want to look young and keep your skin glowing and wrinkle free, the natural way without using the harmful chemicals like Botox and plastic surgery or cosmetics that are loaded with chemicals.

Human skin consists of five types of dermal layer that is oily, dry, and normal, combination and sensitive. It is necessary to determine the skin type first as different type of skin requires different treatments. If you are not aware about the type of skin you have then some free trial test are also available in some clinics to know about your skin properly. Now you can buy the cosmetics according to your skin type.
So, while buying cosmetics, see the tag that says the product is natural; in fact it is derived from natural products, but not natural as a whole.

Nowadays, there are millions of trademark companies, which manufacture skin care products in tones. But there are only few companies who follow certain ethics and really concerned about human skin. These companies then advertise their brands hugely to entice customers by its beautiful and wonderful packaging but the customers do not know that behind the soft cream and fragrance, there are loads of harmful chemicals inside it. While it may be true in some industries that price equals quality but in the cosmetic industry it is not. The amount that is charged for a beauty product has little to do with the amount of money it takes for the production of the product.

Many products are in the market that gives you false promises and that usually do not work like cellulite reduction creams, they never work, finally you have to go for liposuction treatment. Another such product is wrinkle cream, in this cream there are certain ingredients that work but mostly do not. Next thing is, promising that the beauty will grow from inside after applying certain lotion; it is totally wrong.

You can select skin care products in the herbal form that does not have any kind of side effects and also helps in preserving the texture of your skin. As this herbal skincare products are enriched in natural essential oils that are good for your skin.

Other thing to notice that never compromise on money. If you think that buying a cheaper product will be useful then you are wrong. Never buy cheap especially cosmetic products because they are extremely harmful. But it never means that all affordable skin care products are cheap, but many are; and this you have to watch out by checking the consumer ranking of product and its trademark. Never fall into alluring advertisement or false promises, just believe in yourself.

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