Basics of Palmistry

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Most of the people want to know what is written in their hands! It means they are eager to know the future about themselves. This is one tendency we humans have that we always want to know about our future regarding so many things; as well as to find out the things as alternatives also! We look for such kind of things and some time we just rush for that!

Palmistry is one of the well known, popular and relevant approaches for that and a good palmist mostly leads you for correct things and right attitude for yourself to follow. It is said that those who want to get guidelines for the life, have really good chance to get the right things out of palmistry because of practical and day to day approach!

Palmistry is really interesting: If some one has the patience and habit to count small and little things, then this is a good subject! Palmistry has lots of things related with over all hand; its shape, hardness and softness of the palm, fingers, its tips, nails and its shape, colors and spots over there! It means that your palm has a map of your life and its possibilities indicating some kind of your future!

One has to note that besides all the lines in the hands there would be new lines coming up or some line/s just disappears! Some great palmists have always favored palmistry because of its changing patterns with time, place and the person’s attitude! And this changes make palmistry very interesting and challenging!

Primary and Basic Things

Now let us make aware about few primary things/ basics of the palmistry: Mostly right hand is concerned for detailed study. I also found that right hand’s significance is really correct in women also! Indian general palmistry is considering right hand for men and left hand for women. But in real, to study and to reach reliable conclusion both hand should be seen together for final reading: This helps the palmist to understand the person’s real characteristics regarding personal choice, deeds and attitudes, which always leads over all image of any person’s present and futuristic predictions!

The Planetary mounts

All the planets are set near each finger and thumb: First finger has mount if Jupiter, second finger holds mount of Saturn, Sun shines under the base of third finger and last small finger is taking care of mount of mercury! The Venus is set under the base of thumb. Mars is divided in to two: lower Mars and upper Mars. Lower Mars is set between the thumb and mount of Jupiter, the life line runs touching its base! While upper Mars is in between head line and heart line bellow the mount of Mercury (See the figure 1).

The mount of Moon (Luna) is positioned at the bellow left side corner area (in right hand and opposite in the left hand) of the palm. The slope of mount of Venus and mount of Moon touches the life line near the base of the hand.

Indian palmistry has Rahu and Ketu both in the palm also: Bellow the heart line and above the headline the central area is called Rahu and bellow the headline but in the center of the palm is called Ketu area! Western palmistry identifies Rahu area as Mystic Square and Ketu area as mystic tringle! In Indian astrology Rahu and Ketu both are known as mystic planets too! So both the methods have same thing using different words (See the figure 1)!

Main Lines

We have three main lines in our hands; Life line, Head line and Heart line. We can count three more line also; Fate line, Sun line, Liver line! The picture (see the figure 2) shows all the six lines: These lines some time vary also. Some times lines are broken, scattered, thin, thick and with spots. One has to consider all such things for real palm reading.

Life line mostly starts from the base of two mounts, Jupiter and lower Mars. Life line runs by covering lower Mars and the mount of Venus and goes down, creating a curve, up to the base of the hand. A deep and straight line is considered good life line and supports the person’s longevity. The best life line would have a thin and deep line running with a flow of balanced color pattern and covering more than one third area of the palm.

The head line some time starts with life line and after life line goes down creating curve, the head line goes ahead across the palm. Some time head line starts separately and runs parallel to life line.

The heart line comes up from the base of mount of Mercury and runs with little curve up to mount of Jupiter or some time ends up with two forks; one goes towards Jupiter and one on Saturn!

Fate line mostly ends up at the mount of Saturn, while Sun line goes towards mount of Sun! The liver line known as mercury line also, some palmists consider this line as business line! All these lines start from or around the Ketu Area means the area of mystic triangle! It is noted that the best fate line rises from the base of the palm and goes straight to the mount of Saturn, in rare cases it goes to mount of Jupiter also! But it is not easy to interpret such rare occurring because it has different meaning regarding overall appearance of the line and other planetary positions!

Liver line is indicates the health criteria and broken or scattered liver line considered as creating health issues related with intestine, digestion and liver functioning. This line is straight and thin then it helps improving health after constant illness during childhood or teen age! It also gives and assurance about the business success suddenly and provides the person intuitive insight about business and its growth!

Sun line is also unique if it is running across the palm! This line is connected with fame and recognition in the related fields as well as provides some time easy go life also! Mostly good Sun line is rare but if sun line is there then the person has some thing for fame and popularity or significance in his or her work/ field! It indicates the time factor regarding such happening. Sun line starts from various areas; base of the palm, middle of the palm, from life line, from Rahu area, or some time just from or near the heart line!

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