Avoid Health Hazards - Control Your Calories!

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Boost your confidence with easy weight management tips. You don't just look and feel better but you will rediscover the ‘new' you. Good health can be promoted with weight loss, if not, you may face cardiac problems, high level of cholesterol and increased level of blood pressure and sugar. All of these are directly related to weight. This is precisely why many obese people face a lot of health hazards and are looking out for ways to break free. The reason is simple, it is related to losing weight.

Reduce your chances of developing serious health hazards!

Burn out your calories which are the need of the hour. Do not ignore your weight gain. You must take action at this young age and do not let them pose problems in the long run.

Sip green or herbal tea. There are certain stimulants present in herbal tea which helps prevent accumulation of fat. They dilute them and release it off your body. But, do not let them store up easily.

Brisk walking is suggested to reduce heart attacks, blood pressure and sugar levels too: An evening brisk walk is what you need to practise. You must reduce all the risk factors by controlling your diet, burning out your fat and living a balanced life.

Eat nutritious food: It is not the quantity you eat but the quality that matters. Green legumes, sprouts, salads and fruits are essential. If you are on a carbohydrate control, then you can avoid banana, mango and chikoo fruit. Eat citrus fruits which facilitate fat fighters. Apple with its pectin and anti oxidants are also useful to regulate your body fat.

To lose weight, you need to get your body to use up these stores of fat. The most effective way to do this is to:

• reduce the amount of calories you eat
• increase your levels of activity.

Switch over from fat milk to skimmed milk, from normal bread to whole wheat bread, from fat chicken to low fat or lean chicken. Avoid using sugar in your tea or coffee. Do not be surrounded by fried foods, chips and chocolates. Have your kitchen fat free so that you are not tempted to eat them. Instead, replace them with salads, sprouted grams and fruits. You can have milk but let it be low fat one. Fish, need not be avoided as they have essential fatty acids and omega 3acids which is required for your body.

Vijay Koragappa Shetty, Expert Author, Platinum Status. Information on Female body shaping surgery: Female Body Shaping Surgery

Get more information on: Abdominal Fat Reduction

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