Author Details

Neil Dennis

Member Since: 05th April 2006
No of Articles: 5
About Me:


01st August 2009

How Serious Are You About Acting?

Many people like the idea of acting and think that anyone can do it. This is reflected in the fact that some people take ad hoc drama classes for a month or two, and believe that is enough to become a professional.The truth is acting is like any job. It r...

01st August 2009

Convince an Audience - take acting training (London)

The thing about audiences is that they are extremely perceptive. You can't fool an audience; they can smell it from a 1000 paces if you're trying to fake it. However, they can be forgiving and understanding. Many audiences will accept over the top and bad...

30th July 2009

5 Things Not to Do in an Acting Audition

Auditions are without doubt one of the most stressful parts of being an actor, but also a very necessary part.Medical research has shown that actors go through similar stress levels in auditions to that of being in a car crash!With this in mind, you need ...

30th July 2009

Learn to Act for TV, Film and Theatre

Sometimes I am asked what the difference is between TV, Film and Theatre acting. Well, there are many differences, but the basic premise for them all is the same. Sure, there are different technical considerations. In Theatre, you need to project your voi...

14th May 2009

What is Unified Communications and why is it important?

What is unified communications? Most people in business use more than one form of communication, be that telephone, email, voicemail, chat or fax. The concept of unified communications is that all forms of communications are more converged. For example...