Author Details

Julian @

Member Since: 07th June 2011
No of Articles: 4
About Me:


29th June 2011

6 Unbeatable Lifestyle Strategies to Aid Weight Loss Fast and Easy

Hundreds of weight loss diets, fad diets and outrageous low fat programs - we have seen it and done it all! However, the basis of a successful weight loss plan still remains healthy food choices and proper exercise with some lifestyle modifications to mai...

29th June 2011

Easy Exercises for Weight Loss

What do you think is more important: to lose weight or to lose fat? That's indeed a confusing question as people often fail to understand the exact differences between losing weight and losing fat. Whilst dieting alone might seem to be the best means to l...

29th June 2011

5 Secrets to Lose Fat: You Cannot Miss This!

Americans have been growing fatter every year, as per the statistics of National Center for Health Statistics. Similarly, more and more Americans have been seeking the best possible ways to lose weight and be healthy. It is extremely important for people ...

29th June 2011

5 Ways to Motivate the Mind to Lose Fat Fast and Easy

When fat loss is on the mind, people would usually want to lose fat fast and easy. The basic way to lose weight is to follow a healthy regime and stay motivated. Motivation is so important for fat loss because it is the only way to train the mind and allo...