Author Details

Darrel Petit

Member Since: 11th May 2011
No of Articles: 2
About Me:


20th May 2011

Laundry Room Organizers for Busy Households

A house full of people can, in many ways, be a joyous occurrence that is meant to be celebrated. On days when you have had a rough time, whether at school or work, it is nice to come home to people who care about you. But busy households can also get h...

20th May 2011

Bathroom Organizers for Sorting out Busy Water Closets

If you're like most people, your water closet, i.e. your bathroom, could probably use a little help in the organization department. It's one of the busiest places in your home and, as a result, attracts a lot of necessities such as towels, tissues and oth...