Author Details

Luigi Panarella

Member Since: 02nd May 2011
No of Articles: 2
About Me:


26th May 2011

Thoughts on the historic visit of Queen Elizabeth II to Ireland, May 17, 2011. We salute the lady a

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant Let's not delude ourselves. The Queen's visit to Ireland is not only a political statement of the first magnitude. It is also an act of great personal courage for which the 85-year-old sovereign deserves the highest praise. There...

23rd May 2011

New England's cottontail rabbits face extinction... if you love them, help save them.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant I had the most extraordinary experience recently when I took my nephew Kyle out to see the Old Manse in Concord, Massachusetts. Built in 1770 for patriot minister William Emerson, the residents of this handsome clapboard house lite...