Author Details

Jenifer Stevenson

Member Since: 26th March 2011
No of Articles: 5
About Me:


01st June 2011

Turn Your Memories Into Art With A Canvas Wall Print

There’s really no finer way of keeping your most treasured and special photos than by turning them into gallery quality canvas prints, because when photos become photos on canvas, they stop being snapshots and start being works of art. The rise of digi...

23rd May 2011

Bespoke canvas printing for those special memories

Life is precious in every moment and capturing those special moments on camera ensure you can keep those memories forever. Thanks to modern technology these moments can now be captured as bespoke canvas prints. Albelli Canvas prints UK has made it easy to...

10th May 2011

Go online and create photo books to share

Before the introduction of digital photography, photos used to be taken, developed and stuck in a photo album and then put away in a drawer or cupboard with the occasional glance now and again. Now, thanks to advancements in digital photography we tend to...

07th April 2011

Why not showcase your digital images with Canvas Prints

These days individualism is becoming more apparent amongst consumers. Products like Smartphone apps and bespoke printable bags and mugs are all contenders for uniqueness. Another popular trend for uniqueness is in the form of canvas prints. Canvas photo p...

01st April 2011

Photo books the new online way to print photos

There was a time when we would take our photos, get them developed then choose the best ones to stick in the photo album. However, over time this traditional method of displaying photos was limited – albums become old, the sticky bits became unstuck and p...