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Member Since: 16th March 2011
No of Articles: 2
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29th March 2011

iPhone into China's first marketing medium and large electrical appliances stored Hua Fei - Unicom i

Of concern iPhone3G version Oct. 31 debut Beijing store. It is reported that medium and large electrical appliances into custom iPhone Unicom in Beijing Home Appliances Store sales in the first. Today, consumers can store large and medium within the sp...

29th March 2011

Radio use common sense - intercom, handset - HC Network Communication industry - Mini Usb Power Adap

Antenna Caution   1, use only Original or approved antenna. Unauthorized antennas, modified or added accessories may damage the radio antenna or a breach of the provisions of the Radio Authority. 2, in use, do not hand pick up the antenna. 3, can n...