Author Details

Jeff Rice

Member Since: 04th February 2011
No of Articles: 38
About Me:


08th June 2011

An Assortment of Cool Cell Phone Accessories

When the global market has been proliferated by numerous cellular phones, an assortment of cool cell phone accessories is not far behind. Just when you think that you have every single accessory for your mobile device, another new one will appear. One cel...

08th June 2011

An Interesting Look on Brief History of Cell Phones

The idea of being able to hold conversation using a portable telephone with another person on the other side of the world goes back in 1973 where Martin Cooper of Motorola and his team of experts build the first known cellular phone. During that time, the...

08th June 2011

Sensible Accessories That Cell Phone Users Should Get

Most people think that there is no need to get a cell phone accessory when the wireless device is working just fine. You might think that it is something that your device can do without so there is no need to spend your hard earned money on this. Many acc...

08th June 2011

Basic Ways of Caring For Your Wireless Device

You might find it hard to find someone who does not own or use a cell phone these days. Because of its many applications, the wireless device has become invaluable to many. Aside from using the device to communicate with others, you can use it to take a p...

08th June 2011

Showing Your Sense of Style with Cool Cell Phone Covers

The cell phone, complete with cell phone accessories, offers a convenient way of keeping in touch with family and friends. It is a great way to start new friendships and maintain old ones. This modern convenience allows you to contact your loved ones when...

08th June 2011

The Trendy Way to Protect Your Cell Phone

People have different tastes when it comes to jazzing up their cell phones. Some would want to have a phone cover that looks clean and slick. Others would prefer bold colors and outrageous designs. There are also those who would attach blings and charms. ...

08th June 2011

Enhance the Aesthetic Appeal of Your Cell Phone

Each person has his or her own preference when it comes to food, music, gadgets, and the like. The same goes for the choice of a cell phone accessory. While there are those who prefer to buy expensive brands, there are those who would opt for cheap cell p...

16th May 2011

Dangers of Texting While Driving

Texting while driving - —almost everyone does that. But, do you know that this can actually injure you and even claim your life? Using the cell phone while calling can indeed put your life in danger. No text message or phone call is worth the risk you’re ...

10th May 2011

Texting Vs. Calling: Which One is Better?

Cell phones have pretty much dominated our lives. Right from the moment we wake up, the first thing we check is the cell phone, wanting to know right away if somebody made a call or sent a text message while we were sleeping. We also use this device durin...

06th April 2011

Ideal Cell Phone Accessories for the Busy Professional On the Go

Time is quite precious for those busy professionals who are always on the go. This is the reason why a wireless device, such as the cellular phone, is essential to their daily activities. They need to be in constant touch with people in their line of work...

06th April 2011

Find The Perfect Enhancement For Your Cell Phone

The cell phone industry right now is considered one of the biggest players in the consumer market today. Each year, new wireless devices are being introduced to the buying public with new amazing features. It has become a multi-functional device that can ...

05th April 2011

Practical Tips for Cell Phone Users

People use cell phones every day. It's something that has become a part of our daily lives. In fact, if you ask most people what they can't leave home without, cell phone would always be included in their answers. Aside from mobile phones, cell phone acce...

05th April 2011

Get The Perfect Travel Cell Phone Companion for Your Outdoor Adventure

Getting the ideal protection for your cell phones is the best way to prolong its usefulness and efficiency. Investing on a smart and pricey gadget is practical these days especially if you take into consideration that its functions are no longer limited t...

05th April 2011

Ways To Extend The Life Of Your Mobile Phone

The cell phone industry is a very lucrative business. Each year you would see new models of mobile phones emerging with new and improved features to entice mobile users to buy a new unit. With this, it is not surprising to note an increase in demand for m...

05th April 2011

Top 3 Reasons For Buying A New Cell Phone Case

Some people may think twice about getting a new cell phone case for your phone. Why get an extra case when your phone already has one when you originally made your purchase? There are three reasons for doing this - protection, personality and practicality...