Author Details

Robin Whitlock

Member Since: 22nd January 2011
No of Articles: 4
About Me:


17th February 2011

Microsoft's Dead Duck

By Robin Whitlock Sales of Microsoft’s new smartphone Microsoft Phone 7 are beginning to seriously fall behind those of its competitors according to John Dvorak writing on PC Magazine’s website (1). The problem, he says, is that Microsoft is ‘scared to...

10th February 2011

Wings Over Dover

Wings over Dover: A secret history of military airfields in Kent By Robin Whitlock Whenever one thinks of Kent during the Second World War, invariably one iconic image stands out above all others: the Supermarine Spitfire. It is this aircraft tha...

10th February 2011

A War of Politics

By Robin Whitlock It's easy to remember the extensive contribution made by the Americans towards the final defeat of Nazi Germany, but among the memories and the movies, a darker side to our allies efforts remains largely hidden in the mists of history...

10th February 2011

Top Gadgets for Business

Top Gadgets for Business Most people like gadgets, perhaps its the child in us that still likes fiddling around with interesting objects, and those of us who can’t afford gadgets still fantasise about one day being able to. A good business gadget thoug...