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Member Since: 09th January 2011
No of Articles: 6
About Me:


02nd February 2011

Why is the Market Map in the Webiress Platform Great for CFD Trading?

The webiress trading platform has been offered as a equity trading platform since 2000 however it was not always a DMA CFD platform, it was only in late 2003 that the platform was tailored to suit CFD trading. The first adopters of the platform led its...

01st February 2011

Why CFD Seminars are Good

CFD trading is often lucrative for all those traders with a proper trading and risk management strategy in place however like any new venture learning the ropes is often complicated. CFD trading requires skill and knowledge of financial markets in combina...

01st February 2011

DMA CFDs and How I Got an Edge

Day traders and scalpers are continuously trying to obtain an edge in the market that could give them a real trading benefit, however most traders often go searching for faster PC's, internet connections or a better charting package, most overlook the fun...

01st February 2011

How To Choose Australia's Best Forex ECN Broker

ECN is an acronym for Electronic Communications Network. A Forex ECN broker does not require a dealing desk but as a substitute provides a marketplace where multiple market makers, financial institutions and traders are able to enter in competing bids and...

31st January 2011

Get a CFD Traders Edge With WebIRESS Plus

WebIRESS is one of the most frequently used CFD and Share platforms in Australia, being adopted by some of the country's leading on-line brokers and leading CFD brokers. In recent times webIRESS has undergone a make-over, with the newest version webIRESS ...

31st January 2011

Where to get ASX CFD Trading Advice

CFD trading is quite a new notion to a large amount of traders and investors in Australia, which is understandable given the workings of CFDs are very different to conventional equity trading. Having an advisor or trading mentor who is able to explain the...