Author Details


Member Since: 27th December 2010
No of Articles: 3
About Me:


03rd February 2011

Gigapixel Photography and Cameras tips

The advent of digital technology has caused a revolution in the way we think of photography. Before this revolution, most of us thought of photography in terms of images captured on film that subsequently would be transformed into prints by way of photogr...

21st January 2011

Infra-red photography tips

Infra-red picturing's not everyone's cup of tea but as it's season and the sun's shining, now's the perfect case to try to hear to enjoy this art. Infra-red picturing essentially sees what the eye can't so scenes which you power conceive await boring a...

20th January 2011

Digital Infrared Photography Tips

It seems to be that the larger the location that you live in the more the law-breaking degree increases. With the function of infrared digital photography you have the fortune of catching some extraordinary pictures of law breakers being arrested and ther...