Author Details


Member Since: 02nd December 2010
No of Articles: 3
About Me:


01st February 2011

Global warming-Not good for world

The people, who read this article, please try to get answers for my questions. Why the climate now is so cold? Why there is heavy rainfall in some part of the countries? Why big glacier mountains are getting melted? Why the life span of people in many co...

17th December 2010

Earth- My Future is in Your Hand

Earth is the wonderful planet, where the resources are in abundance and it is the fifth largest planet of the solar system. It was the only place where there is a possibility to survive, and the age of or earth is 4.5 billion years. The future of our eart...

17th December 2010

All about Asian Global warming

India is an agricultural country and we mostly depend on agricultural commodities, but I am not sure that in future whether we can able to get these products in well ahead. I am not saying simply, really in future we will face a demand in these products. ...