Author Details

Jeanie Dotson

Member Since: 23rd November 2010
No of Articles: 2
About Me: Learn much more here: Fresh Herb Gardens from Jen McCutchen, an Herb Enthusiast and is a proud contributing author and writes articles on several subjects including fresh herb garden topics! Go in here :


07th December 2010

Fresh Herb Garden: More Ways to Use and Conserve Herbs

You planted the herbs and watched them grow and flourish. They are extremely nifty in so more ways. But, using herbs from your fresh herb garden requires a slight bit of wise moves and actions. When you want to use your herb plants, you have to pick i...

06th December 2010

Fresh Herb Garden - Ways to Preserve your Herbs

You have naturalized the herbs and watched them grow and matured. They are extremely useful and that they should be planted abundantly. But, planting herbs in your garden requires a good design and planning first and foremost. Your fresh herb garden is ...