Author Details


Member Since: 31st October 2010
URL: http://
No of Articles: 2
About Me: apple Ipad accessories
ipad accessories
iPod Touch 4 Accessories


23rd November 2010

Nail Art and Accessories for lovely and healthful nails

By yxc in Beauty
Nowadays, nail Art is so in the fashion tendency. Nai Art has become fashionable at the moment with women adding fashion for their nails to increase the look of their hands. Nail Art Products are in huge demand as women have made them a piece of their ind...

23rd November 2010

Hair Care Approaches for Better Your Hair

By yxc in Beauty
Who does not desire shiny and smooth hair? Each one of us would like have silky shiny hair. However sorry to say our lifestyle leaves us to be happy with dry and coarse hair. There are numerous problems with our hair, such as hairloss, hair fall, dandruff...