Author Details

Seo Guy

Member Since: 21st August 2010
No of Articles: 5
About Me:


23rd August 2010

Limo Rental Makes Anniversary Unforgettable

Your wedding anniversary is right around the corner, and you just don't know what to get for your wife. You think back to all those past anniversaries, and breathe a sigh of relief that, at least this year, you've remembered the right date. You know what ...

23rd August 2010

Limousines Are Perfect For Halloween Parties

I still remember my favorite Halloween party many years later. It was going to be held at my friend Spike's house, which was halfway across town and up on top of one of those big, scary hillsides. Spike's mom was out of town a lot, so we knew she'd be AWO...

23rd August 2010

A Limousine Rental Can Make All the Difference For Your Anniversary

Card - check. Flowers - check. Trip to that bed and breakfast she's always talked about - check. Sending your friend to her office with a Crittergram and a Key lime pie - check. You've tried everything you can think of, everything your guy friends can thi...

23rd August 2010

Limousine Rental Makes the Homecoming Dance Unforgettable

It's that time of year again. You know what I mean. The heady days of summer vacation are ending. Your children are starting to get restive. You realize you have to head down to your local school supply store and rack up on notebooks, pens and book bags. ...

23rd August 2010

Five Reasons You Never Thought of Why You Need to Rent That Limo

1.) Because after the wedding, the last thing you need is for your car not to start and you wind up asking Mom for a lift to the airport. After all the wedding planning, make sure that the limo is out front waiting for you after that opulent event in Los ...