Author Details


Member Since: 17th August 2010
No of Articles: 3
About Me:


15th September 2010

Anti Wrinkle face Cream

Anti wrinkle cream for acne prone skin is a product that many older individuals are interested in. It is a common misconception that acne only affects teenagers and young adults. In fact, many people well into their thirties and forties develop the condit...

15th September 2010

Dry and Oily scalp treatment

The amount of oil that your skin produces is the main basis that helps to identify your skin type. Respective face treatments can be followed to keep your face healthy and fresh. In case you have a dry face, anti-aging and anti-wrinkle creams should be us...

08th September 2010

Tips to have Firm Skin

This is the extract of Japanese sea kelp, and in this proven formula it has shown to increase skin elasticity. Strong elasticity makes sure that your skin stays in its normal position and does not sag down. To get the best results, use the cream or lotion...