Author Details

Keisha J. Bates

Member Since: 12th August 2010
No of Articles: 3
About Me:


15th February 2011

Parenting: Child Car Seats

If you have children, or are intending to have kids, one of the most essential thing you should consider buying is certainly a car seat. You will see numerous child car seats to select from, and making certain you've the right one is extremely essential. ...

14th February 2011

Kid Online Protection

We all have various methods with handling government. Many people believe it is the government's job to look after us in many methods and others think that the government should stay out of our private lives and let us sink or swim as we may. In no reg...

07th February 2011

Questions and Answers about Atkins Shopping

When you begin the Atkins diet program, you are going into a new world of eating. And nowhere is that more apparent than at the supermarket. Suddenly, all of your stand-by foods like macaroni and cheese, pasta and bread are no longer on your shopping list...