Author Details

Julie L. Fisher

Member Since: 05th August 2010
No of Articles: 10
About Me:


12th August 2010

Avoid the Mess With These Great Tips on Locker Organization

Every school year there are tons of goals and back to school ideas that students have. Keeping their school locker clean and well organized is one of these goals. It is amazing how fast that goal becomes a thing of the past. Before long there are loose pa...

12th August 2010

Back to School Supplies - 3 Must Haves For a School Locker

Essential Locker Accessories The start of the new school year is arriving shortly and I am sure the list of back to school supplies is increasing by the day. Most teachers, during the first week of school, provide specific lists of supplies needed for ...

12th August 2010

Mirror Mirror on the Wall - One of Those Must Have Locker Accessories

There are several accessories that you can use for your locker that you can make on your own. Mirrors are a great addition to school lockers. For students, image is everything and getting a chance to check out hair, makeup or maybe even an outfit, is a ro...

12th August 2010

Stop the School Thief From Making You a Victim

Choose the Right Lock for your School Locker School locker locks will be one of the most important accessories your student will have on his or her supply list. Decorating a school locker is always fun but ensuring their belongings are safe is more imp...

12th August 2010

1590D Master Lock Resettable Set Your Own Combination Lock Review

Having a reliable combination lock on a school locker is important for your student in maintaining the safety of their belongings. With all the new information that has to be retained when starting the school year, the added task of trying to remember a c...

12th August 2010

Finding the Right Locker Shelf For Your School Locker

Locker shelves are an essential accessory for school lockers. Most lockers, if not all, have a small usable space inside and one of the benefits of the shelves is they help increase this space. In addition, they also serve as a major player in helping stu...

12th August 2010

The Best Kept Secret in Decorating a School Locker - Be the First to Know!

Fun and Easy to Use Locker Magnets Students love to take the time out to decorate the school locker that they have been assigned at the beginning of the school year. Some leave their lockers the same way all year, others may change it once or twice dur...

12th August 2010

Decorate Your Locker With Magnetic Locker Wallpaper - Eliminate End of the School Year Grief

One of the simplest and easy to use accessories you will find for your school locker is magnetic locker wallpaper. It is gives a nice finishing touch or can be just as nice being used as a standalone locker decoration. Although most of the designs and pat...

12th August 2010

Find Out Why This Pencil Holder Will Be the Perfect Fit For Your School Locker

In every school locker having a place to store pens and pencils is definitely something that is needed. You can buy magnetic pencil holders which are nice, but what is better than DIY locker accessory. Making a pencil holder for your student's school lock...

12th August 2010

Everything Pink - Super Cool School Locker Accessories

Show off Your Girly Style What's a girl to do? So many choices and ideas you can have to decorate your locker. You want your style, personality and character to reflect in your school locker. Do you want to get the oohs and aahs from your classmates? B...