Author Details

Curtis Price

Member Since: 15th June 2010
No of Articles: 2
About Me: I am a health food promoter, a fitness enthusiast and a sworn disciple of healthy living. And what better way to share my thoughts and advice on natural health than on my blog? I want to talk to you, my anonymous friends and readers, about ways to become healthy, stay healthy and feel fabulous every single day! I truly believe that when good health comes, wealth and prosperity follows.

Laurel Health Foods


12th July 2010

Health food supplements promise increased wellbeing

One of every three people in the world is suffering from Protein- Energy Malnutrition (PEM) or micronutrient malnutrition also known as "hidden hunger". Like several nutritionists and doctors, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the American Medica...

12th July 2010

Low carb recipes for you and me

If you are a working man or woman on a low carb diet, meal times often pose a big challenge, especially lunch. On a busy workday, how on earth will you find time to go to a low carb restaurant or cook two special meals? Low carb diets are based on the ...