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Member Since: 14th April 2010
No of Articles: 3
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11th June 2010

Telco KPIs: 4Q09 analysis-Aarkstore Enterprise Market Research Aggregator

Revenue growth continues to slow Of our sample group of 22 of the world's largest telcos, a growing number experienced revenue declines when comparing 4Q09 with 4Q08. From nine operators in the sample, this has expanded to 13. Average revenue growth for ...

25th May 2010

Saskatchewan Upstream Oil & Gas Fiscal Regime: 2010-Aarkstore Enterprise Market Research Aggregator

Summary Saskatchewan upstream oil and gas fiscal regime report is an essential source for information related to the upstream fiscal system enacted in Canada, Saskatchewan"''s oil and gas industry. This report contains information related to various ty...

25th May 2010

Novascotia Upstream Oil & Gas Fiscal Regime: 2010-Aarkstore Enterprise Market Research Aggregator

Summary Canada, Novascotia upstream oil and gas fiscal regime report is an essential source for information related to the upstream fiscal system enacted in Canada, Novascotia"''s oil and gas industry. This report contains information related to variou...