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Member Since: 12th April 2010
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02nd November 2010

Easy Homemade Remedies For Hair Loss

Taking care about our hair is an important element of everyone’s personal care, which plays a role of a certain daily ritual for many modern ladies. Hair loss in women, once rare, is a growing concern. The earlier treatment is sought, the less hair will b...

12th October 2010

7 Natural Tips To Regrow New Hair

Beautiful and healthy hair not just make one's face look attractive but also have a huge impact on his or her entire personality. So, the problem of thinning hair or receding hairline or bald patches on a particular area of the scalp can badly dent one's ...

12th October 2010

9 Homemade Remedies For Remove Pimples Naturally

It goes without saying that pimples appear due to the clogging of the skin pores, and when the body tries to unclog the pores unsuccessfully it can lead to an acne breakout. When you see pimples start to develop you should realize that it is a sign from w...