Author Details

Dirk Rowell

Member Since: 20th March 2010
No of Articles: 6
About Me:


14th March 2011

Choosing the Right Plastic Surgery Consultant

We’ve all heard horror stories of plastic surgery gone wrong, and often that’s enough to put people off for a lifetime. But, it doesn’t have to be. There will always be rogue surgeons and clinics just as there’ll be rogue workers in every profession, but ...

11th February 2011

Island pays tribute to caricaturist

An island has paid tribute to a man who was responsible for creating many caricatures during the course of his career, including personalised caricatures. Greg Flores, who died last month, was described by many on Guam as an icon, leader and an inspira...

04th February 2011

The Most Important Aspects of Any Business

What makes a good business? If the answer to this question was obvious we would all now be millionaires. Yet, there are a few criteria that are more important than all the others in establishing how successful a company might be. Paying attention to these...

10th January 2011

Telecommunications at the heart of your business’s success

If you want your business to have the edge on the competition in its field, then it is worth considering the telecommunications infrastructure of your company. As you look to make savings in the administration of your business, you will find that efficien...

17th November 2010

Telephone answering services 'can make firms more successful'

Having a telephone answering service can make a company more successful, it has been suggested. According to comments made by freelance writer Erica Ronchetti, consumers can be put off if they ring a firm only to be immediately put on hold without bein...

01st September 2010

Learning to step back when hosting a party

Most people who organise a special function or party are often surprised at what pleases and what tends to irk some guests; and also at what is easily remembered after the event. Because of this lack of party organising experience or understanding of w...