Author Details

Tr Cojoc

Member Since: 18th March 2010
Occupation: Retired Computer Engineer
No of Articles: 2
About Me: Tr Cojoc Retired computer engineer. Internet analyst.
Advocate of online business working from home.

For more information go to Niche Marketing – SEO System

Presently, Tr Cojoc is retired in California and he is advising clients in financial matters, on how to preserve capital as well as high risk investment strategies such as trading foreign currency or FOREX.
You can find out more at Financial Adviser


07th May 2010

Obama Student Loan Program and Communist Free Education

President Obama signed legislation to expand college access for millions of young Americans by revamping the federal student loan program in what he called "one of the most significant investments in higher education since the G.I. Bill." A word of ca...

16th April 2010

United States First Amendment vs. Communism

Note how the communism did exactly the opposite of what The First Amendment was designed to do. The United States adopted the First Amendment of the Constitution on December 15, 1791. The Bolshevik revolution started the creation of Soviet Union, a...