Author Details


Member Since: 09th March 2010
URL: http://
No of Articles: 2
About Me: BrianTiller is a Marketing Executive residing in California. He uses the 4-in-1 RHUB Remote Appliance for web conferencing and remote access. To learn more about RHUB, please visit


14th April 2010

Internet Conferencing Brings In-Person Meeting Experience Online

Now-a-days, many corporations still rely on face-to-face meetings for several reasons like negotiating contracts, interviewing senior staff for key positions, understanding and listening to important customers. But it's not possible to conduct in-person m...

08th April 2010

State Prisons Turn to Video Conference as Off-Site Trip Alternative

Today technology plays a leading role in innovation, but it isn't the only factor. It could be the establishing base for innovation, but people are the ones that drive it forward. Technology is really only the mechanics of the process. Real innovation is ...