Author Details

Gary S. Grossman

Member Since: 01st March 2010
URL: http://
No of Articles: 1
About Me: Hi, I am Gary S. Grossman Ph.D.
affectionately known as
Dr. I WannaWanna.
I am a Personal Development and Wellness Coach for successful people; i.e. people, like you, who can DO what you intend to DO when you know What to DO and How and have the support necessary to Succeed.
I began my professional career in 1971 working with addicts on the streets of New York City. I was quickly known as the 90 Day Wonder. It was a term of derision. They mocked me, knowing full well that I had no right to pretend that I knew the "Truths" of their lives or their circumstances. Thankfully I was smart enough to agree with them. They were right. I didn't know their truths or their circumstances and what I learned in college didn't teach me this either.

I, however, knew that they KNEW and if I could show them the honor and respect that they were worthy of, once they trusted me, I might be able to help them.
I respected, they trusted, they got help and I made a career decision to respect the fundamental differences in people, and with their permission to help them with our fundamental similarities.

I have been doing this work ever since. You see I learned "It" is about Helping YOU and them with Your "It", Your Fat, Your Life with permission and respect.

I have over 50,000 hours of "in chair" experience helping people like YOU SUCCEED!

I have lived a life that includes highlights and failure, burnout and recovery. I have been there and done that. My task is to help if I can and to refer elsewhere as appropriate.

My goal is to help you Lose Fat and to build A Fat Fight Plan, a Life Plan that you can self monitor effectively and proudly for the rest of your life.


01st April 2010

Michelle Obama, Pepsi and Kraft Foods: Here’s to You, Your Courage and Your Leadership!

Obesity is a national crisis. Our seniors are Fat, our middle aged are Fat, our teenagers are Fat and so are our children AND they are getting Fatter! You have heard the statistics. Thankfully Michelle Obama, Pepsi, Kraft foods and others are taking t...