Author Details

Jack Dawn

Member Since: 24th February 2010
No of Articles: 3
About Me:


01st March 2010

Are Kids Watching Too Much Satellite TV?

Are kids watching too much of satellite TV? That is the question that the detractors of dish TV are asking these days. They have a very negative attitude towards kids watching TV. It's the traditional approach to TV which tags it as an ‘idiot box'. The ...

01st March 2010

Free Satellite TV: What Is ‘Free’?

Everywhere you head on the internet, you come across satellite TV portals which offer ‘free' services. Viewers and potential customers want to know what it is about these dish network providers that is free. This concept is something vague and confusing...

26th February 2010

Around The World With Dish TV

There was this time before the coming of dish TV when you had to wait for newspapers and travel books to find out about the world you are living in. You relied on the print media and the accounts of people who have been to the corners of this globe. With ...