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Member Since: 11th February 2010
No of Articles: 7
About Me:


19th February 2010

Indian Movies - The Dark Side

The glamour and shinning stars beholding, all has not been well with the Indian Film Industry. The industry has seen its share of highs and lows but it has weathered on in debris too. The fact that it actually stands ground firmly just goes on to show the...

19th February 2010

Indian Movies - The X factor

Even though it's a fact that Indian movies find a lot of takers in the modern world, there are still aspects that need a lot of improvement if they have to strike a cord with the global audience. S Some films with universal character are being made the...

18th February 2010

Indian Films - The crazy movie buffs of south

As such if looked upon in India, there are a lot many takers for entertainment through movies and other stuff. Though the craze has always been evenly spread across the colorful nation, there is something peculiarly grave about the kind of fan following t...

18th February 2010

Indian Actresses - Simply sensuous

The Indian subcontinent is appreciated for many things across the globe and one of the few things that are actually appreciated in the subcontinent is the beauty. Not just natural but physical. There are quite a few followers of Indian Movie Hottest girls...

18th February 2010

Indian Film Industry - The near Future

There is a clear cut relation between demand and supply. The same is the case with one of the most glamorous industries of the globe, the Indian Film Industry. The industry has undergone a plethora of changes over the last century or so and continue...

18th February 2010

Indian Film Industry - Golden Vintage

The Indian movie industry has seen a lot of glamour and substance over the years. The charisma of the industry is unflinching and so is the aura surrounding its appeal. Having probably the biggest fan base across the globe, the Indian Film Industry has be...

18th February 2010

Indian Actresses - Bold and Beautiful

There are in essence very few places in the world that actually have as beautiful women as the Indian subcontinent. Amongst these, only a chosen few get a chance to actually be on the silver screen. Considering this its quite obvious that the kind of wome...