Author Details


Member Since: 02nd February 2010
No of Articles: 3
About Me:


11th August 2010

Why Half A Million Cameras Could Not Prevent The London Bombings?

London is possibly one of the most surveyed cities in the world. Despite half a million cameras and one of the most elaborate surveillance systems of any city at that time, authorities were still unable to prevent one of the worst acts of terror in Britis...

11th August 2010

What Is The Most Dangerous Place In Africa?

The Congo has been described as the heart of Africa. It is the size of Western Europe and exhibits a beautiful landscape but inside there is suffering and pain. It is a place where for over a decade a brutal war has raged killing millions of people. The r...

10th June 2010

The Costa Rica Dome - A Nursery For The Worlds Largest Animal

Blue Whales are the worlds largest baleen whale, the worlds largest mammal, the worlds largest animal, the worlds largest predator and experts believe largest living creature to ever breathe on our planet. Scientists and oceanographers are constantly carr...