Author Details

Samora Jinqua

Member Since: 22nd August 2005
No of Articles: 2
About Me:


27th August 2005

How To Prevent Tonsil Stones (and Why They Cause Bad Breath)

Tonsil stones can create a condition known as Halitosis, which is a stubborn bad breath and taste disorder many people suffer from. Tonsil stones, also called tonsilloliths, are those nasty whitish/yellow colored, foul-smelling, lumps on your tonsils....

23rd August 2005

How To Effectively Clean a White Tongue, a Cause of Bad Breath

Have you ever noticed that sometimes you have a white tongue? A white tongue is something that nobody wants to have. Why? A white tongue not only looks abnormal, but if left untreated, it's a strong indication of a bad breath problem. People who have ...