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Member Since: 05th January 2010
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12th January 2010

Factors that Affect your Mortgage Rates

Have you ever wondered how lenders determine the interest rate for your mortgage? There are many factors that affect your mortgage rate, some of them within your control and some of them decidedly outside it. The world economy, the prime lending rate set ...

08th January 2010

Don’t Be Misled By These Reverse Mortgage Myths

There is a lot of misinformation out there about reverse mortgages and this has confused and scared many senior citizens away from this unique type of home loan. It is really a shame that ‘myths' about reverse mortgages have distorted the true specifics...

08th January 2010

Discover Your Mortgage Rate Options

Next to the actual cost of your home, the loan's interest rate is one of the biggest factors in how much you pay, on a monthly basis, for your house. The internet makes finding out what the current rates are incredibly easy. You can do a simple search a...

08th January 2010

Details about the Mortgage Refinance Process

The decision to refinance your home is a personal one that can affect your family's finances for years to come. After doing all the research to determine a new mortgage is right for you and seeking out referrals from friends and trusted advisors, you're r...

08th January 2010

Best Mortgages to Consider in this Economy

It would be hard to miss all of the headlines, news commentary, and advertising by lenders, and even encouragement from the government about how good conditions presently are for people shopping for mortgages. It helps to know a little about the kinds of ...