Author Details


Member Since: 20th December 2009
No of Articles: 1
About Me: The Ripples of Difference FREE e-book is a collection of unique and powerful stories written by volunteers from around the world. From refugee camps in Africa to orphanages in Asia, readers can learn about how volunteers are touching the lives of others and making a difference – a ripple of difference.

The book is not just a collection of stories; it is a call to action. Mahatma Gandhi said “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”. We want to challenge readers to stand up and create their own ripple and join the sea of change that brings hope to those in need around the world!

It has been launched by Global Volunteer Network to celebrate the thousands of volunteers who have given their love, energy, and time to help communities in need around the world.

You can download your FREE copy of the ebook at


22nd December 2009

Universal Language – an excerpt from FREE e-book, Ripples of Difference

Josh turned over another plastic toy is his hand and decided to sleep on whether he could bear to part with it. In the morning, it was still there, proudly on top of the pile like a Christmas tree star - a shining token from a boy who couldn't quite grasp...