Author Details

Chad Timothy

Member Since: 13th December 2009
No of Articles: 1
About Me: Chad Timothy is the CEO of the Software Billions Club in Portland, OR. Having started off in Internet Marketing in 1998 Chad Timothy is considered a respected pioneer. He is committed to helping others by writing about what he has learned about strategic Internet Marketing.

In addition to developing scores of websites and online stores and consulting with many companies large and small, he is the author of hundreds of articles and more than a dozen books on Internet marketing and e-commerce.

The Software Billions Club can be found at

Watch for our new Internet Billions Club membership site to launch soon


08th February 2010

A Fair Review of Software Billions

Is it that hard to find a fair review of the Software Billions Club? I mean come one, when I google for reviews the things I find are just competitors mocking the club and promoting their own products instead. I am a member, and I've been very happy sinc...