Author Details


Member Since: 11th December 2009
Occupation: Guidance Counsellor
No of Articles: 0
About Me: Adrian Tea Brown is a business savvy entrepreneur country boy from an eastern parish of Jamaica called Portland. He has a persistent personality that does not know what it means to give up. If he falls down seven times, he gets up eight time.

His love for God and people have driven him to be an unusual risk taker who has developed tremendous courage over the years of plowing through challenges to find the solutions that are hidden from the cowards and doubters.

His passion and purpose is to show others the blessings of living a healthy life, and the many rewards that follow, is his greatest joy and satisfaction in living. Adrian's health is his greatest wealth.

Adrian has developed his skills set as an Affiliate and Internet Marketer involved in the online business since 2007. His blinkered focused determination has been to find the online business opportunity that could make him real marigolds on line working at home.

His internet journey took him across hills and valleys in hunting for that one "Magic Pill" that could fulfill his entrepreneurial longings. Those three expensive years where he spent time, money and other resources searching, were not in vain, because all the skills and experience that he is now using, came during that "internship" training.

There is a natural and imminent reward in life that comes with taking action. If you just sit there and whine and complain and curse the darkness, guess what? nothing will happen except remaining broke, busted and disgusted. But when you take decisive actions, often times with a leap of faith, moving along the corridor, you just find doors opening that you didn't even knew were there.


05th August 2010

Stye Remedies

Stye-remedies for people suffering from sty in eye. A stye is a small boil on the eyelid. It is mainly caused by a type of bacteria which inflamed the sebaceous glands located near the eyelids.. Styes are painful, uncomfortable and carry an embarrassing f...