Author Details

J. B. Bergstad

Member Since: 03rd December 2009
Occupation: Writer-Publisher
No of Articles: 1
About Me: I’m told my father quipped: “Jim is a born writer.” He was right for I began my storytelling career as soon as I could talk. At age six my first grade teacher introduced me to Share Time and my imagination was off and running. I persisted in the invention of fantastic stories throughout my childhood, honing my skills as a teenager in a vain attempt, most often, to impress the girls.

I grew up in a racially tense, crime ridden, Compton, California during the decade of the fifties. I was nineteen, trying to put distance between the gang life and my future, when I met the woman I would marry. Short of my twenty-first birthday we eloped and began a life together that has endured for fifty plus years. Our children came quickly; five in all. The commitment of marriage brought the realities of life into sharp focus for me.

I was not able to pursue a college education, but I read, wrote and dreamed nonetheless. I have continued my reading habit in a voracious manner for over fifty years. Twenty years ago, I had the time to take my writing seriously. I have attended adult education classes and completed a course of study with the Long Ridge Writers Group. I continue my education at every opportunity. To date, I have completed one novel, Hyde’s Corner, soon to be released. Excerpts from the novel can be viewed at: Selections from my newly published short story collection, Screwing the Pooch, can be viewed here:


21st December 2009

Book Review Discrimination and the Traditional Establishment

Certain books, magazines, journals, periodicals and newsletters discriminate against the self-published author in that they refuse to review our work. That's a fact. Some of these book review sources can go a long way in making the case for a new offering...