Author Details


Member Since: 18th November 2009
No of Articles: 7
About Me:


04th March 2010

Calorie Counter and Calorie Counting

With so many things that go down easily, many would wish that weight and calories would also go out with such ease as well. The answer to easily reduce weight and calories will be through the help of a Calorie Counter. Yes, it counts the calories of the...

15th December 2009

24 Hour Weight Loss Can Be Achieved Using a Calorie Counter

24 hour weight loss has been considered a myth to a lot of people, until the use of calorie counters came on the scene. The daily focus on counting calories is paramount for people who want to manage their weight. "I've heard of 24 hour weight loss sy...

24th November 2009

Have You Hugged Your Calorie Counter Today

The Calpal calorie counter is steadily increasing in popularity around the globe with customers reporting significant weight loss. If a person consumes more calories than they burn each day, they will gain weight. The apposite is true as well. Calor...

24th November 2009

Calorie counter Try Walking For Weight Loss Posted By: Brad Morgan

Walking is one of the most popular forms of exercise for several reasons: it's easy, most people can do it, it's free, you don't have to go to a gym, you can do it inside if the weather is bad, it's good for your health, and it can help you lose weigh...

24th November 2009

Calorie counter A Beginner's Guide To Bulking Up Muscles Posted By: Dane Fletcher

If you want to bulk up your muscles then this article will help you realize your goals. Many beginners are wondering what it takes in order to increase muscles mass, well to lay your question to rest all you need to understand is that, you do not have...

24th November 2009

Calorie counter 5 Ways To De-calorize Your Fast Food Meals Posted By: Charles Volcolatte

Believe it or not, you can still eat fast food while trying to lose weight. Because such foods are very much a part of your lifestyle, giving them up would result in a lot of inconvenience especially for dieters with full schedules that do not leave t...

24th November 2009

Calorie counter 5 Surefire Ways To Maintain Your Weight Loss Posted By: Charles Volcolatte

If you took the diet and exercise approach to weight loss and you have finally slimmed down to your target weight, then congratulations! It may have been a long and arduous process but well worth it. But of course it does not end there. Although you c...