Author Details


Member Since: 07th October 2009
URL: http://
No of Articles: 1
About Me: Sydni Craig-Hart, expert marketing consultant for service professionals, supports her clients in creating success – in both their businesses and lives. Known as "The Smart Simple Marketing Coach," the tech-savvy Sydni uses a results-focused, “how to” approach in implementing simple, customized strategies so service professionals create profitable businesses in which they enjoy the lifestyle they choose. To tap into Sydni's expertise on how to attract the ideal client, get your free Smart Simple Marketing Starter Kit at


23rd June 2010

3 Simple Steps to a Stress Free Tax Season Next Year

You can almost hear the sigh of relief. Tax season is finally over! But that sigh of relief is different depending on your preparation and experience. If you had all your receipts and paperwork in order, the sigh of relief includes a smile because it w...