Author Details

Bryon Zirker

Member Since: 21st September 2009
No of Articles: 4
About Me:


07th December 2009

Holiday Celebration-Celebrate Life

You barely have a chance to catch your breath after a busy, fun filled summer and then Autumn comes at you full force. The kids are back at school, the leaves are falling and before you know it, it's Thanksgiving. If you are like most people, you will pro...

07th December 2009

No Fall Election

It turns out we won't have a fall election after all. I'm glad. Four elections in five years is just a big waste of time and money. The Liberal Party has been trying to win an election for years and failed. The best they have been able to accomplish is a ...

12th November 2009

The 42 Minute Meeting

The Prime Minister of Canada and the President of the United States had a meeting the other day. Mr. Harper arrived in Washington the day before the meeting. This makes me wonder why. What did he do thee the night before? Did he see the sights? And where ...

11th November 2009

Going to the Movies

If you have ever watched an old movie you will have noticed actors had to be very versatile in those days. They had to sing, dance and act. Especially movies made during WW1, WW2 and the Great Depression. Musicals were predominant in those days. Movie mak...