Author Details

James Boberts

Member Since: 21st September 2009
No of Articles: 5
About Me:


21st June 2010

Laser Tooth Whitening For Beginners

In due course, because of the foods we eat and liquids we drink, the enamel of teeth tends to erode. Tooth enamel erodes heavily due to sugars and starches like the modern American diet, also to include are the drinks which contain lots of citric acid and...

22nd December 2009

Do The Home Kits Really Whiten The Teeth?

Having your teeth whitened by laser is faster and much gentler then other methods. The procedure takes only 16 minutes with the gel formula on the teeth, compared to 60 minutes for non laser procedures. There is no tray involved, and you will not need to ...

15th December 2009

A lot of Staining on the Teeth

The laser teeth whitening method only takes one dentist visit to obtain a beautiful white smile since the laser helps to intensify the bleaching effect on the teeth. The laser teeth whitening method is done in the dentist's office. The dentist will apply ...

19th November 2009

A Tooth Whitening Treatment Can Help Your Smile

We all know the important of maintaining a healthy smile. Smiles are a big part of the way that we communicate, so if you have nasty yellow stained teeth is going to be apparent to others very quickly. Having bad teeth and an unhealthy smile will impress ...

18th November 2009

The Basics Are A Good Starting Point for Teeth Whitening

Among all those tooth whitening technologies of today, the laser tooth-whitening treatment has gathered popularity. This treatment is so famous because of its instant results. In this technology, the laser is allowed to shine on the gel that is applied on...